MIYO Health

Seeing the Unseen: How Universal Screening Can Help Prevent Student Suicide

Written by MIYO Health | May 17, 2024 5:29:13 PM

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among teenagers aged 15-29., and early identification is critical for prevention. While most schools may currently screen students with known behavioral health concerns, research suggests universal screening, where all students are screened regardless of presenting issues, is a more effective approach.

Here's why universal screening is essential:

  • Identifies at-risk individuals who wouldn't otherwise be detected. Over 80% of people who die by suicide interact with healthcare providers in the year before their death, often for non-psychiatric reasons. Targeted screening misses many at-risk individuals.
  • Feasible and efficient in busy healthcare settings. Studies show that universal screening can be implemented with minimal impact on patient flow.
  • Improves detection of hidden suicide risk. Universal screening identifies individuals who may not present suicidal thoughts or behaviors as their primary concern.
  • Promotes equity in suicide prevention. Universal screening ensures all patients, regardless of race or background, have a chance to be identified for suicide risk.

Challenges of Implementing Universal Suicide Screening in Schools:

While universal screening offers significant benefits for identifying at-risk students, several challenges need to be considered by school districts:

  • Staff Time and Workload: Implementing universal screening adds new tasks to educators and school counselors who may already be stretched thin. Balancing screening with their existing responsibilities requires careful planning and resource allocation.
  • Training and Expertise: Effectively conducting and interpreting screenings requires training for school personnel. This may necessitate additional professional development or support staff to ensure proper implementation.
  • Confidentiality Concerns: Students and parents may have concerns about the privacy of their information collected during screenings. Schools need to develop clear protocols to address these concerns and ensure data security.
  • Follow-up and Intervention: Identifying at-risk students requires a plan for appropriate follow-up and intervention. Schools may need to partner with mental health professionals or additional resources to ensure students receive the support they need.

Addressing the Challenges with MIYO: A Comprehensive Solution

Universal screening offers significant benefits for identifying at-risk students, but schools face challenges in implementation. MIYO can address these challenges with a single, integrated platform:

  • Streamlined Workflows: MIYO automates parts of the screening process, such as data entry and scoring, freeing up valuable time for school staff to focus on student interaction and well-being.
  • Training and Support: MIYO offers comprehensive training resources to equip school personnel with the knowledge and skills to conduct screenings effectively.
  • Confidentiality Assured: MIYO prioritizes data privacy and security, complying with all relevant regulations to ensure student information remains confidential.
  • Seamless Follow-Up & Ongoing Support: MIYO's integrated platform addresses follow-up concerns by connecting at-risk students with virtual mental health professionals for personalized intervention and ongoing support.


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